Balance payment 1 - Immersive Art Retreat - SHROPSHIRE HILLS - Jun 2025


This listing is only for people already booked on Tansy's in-person immersive art retreat in the Shropshire Hills, June 2025. If you are looking for the retreat booking page, please click "Products" above, then select "In-person courses"

The total cost of the retreat is £1400. Having already paid the deposit of £350, the balance remaining is £1050. This may be paid in three equal installments.

This listing is for the first payment, due on 14th March.

If you would prefer to pay in one single payment, please return to the email Tansy sent you on 9th March 2025 (the one that lead you to this page) and click on the "pay the balance in full" link.

Any questions? Please email [email protected].